domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

One problem/ solution paragraph: Eating disorders.

Depression, anxiety, loneliness, madness, illness, DEATHS. These words describe some of the problems that eating disorders cause. Is fault of the sufferers or really the fault falls into our society? Eating disorders are increasing nowadays, these types of illnesses affect directly to young people who dream being like top models that appears in magazines. I blame society for this; they sell us an image that isn't even close to reality. Most of the girls have ever thought ' I want to be like this girl that appears in the cover of this famous magazine’, but what people should know is there's a lot of Photoshop behind this. This society have inculcated that having a XS size is right and the people that haven't it are fat. This just ends in a big spiral of problems that makes it bigger every day. A ' fat' girl probably will be bullied in school this lead into three steps: Depression, obsession, illness. All of this could disappear if we inculcate people that are not right having a XS size. Because being starving and unhealthy is not a way of life, is not beautiful at all.

This problem could end in us; it's in our hands raise awareness about this problem. In my opinion if we should stop showing the image of a really skinny girl as beautiful this could solve. If this would happen a girl wouldn’t feel bad if she doesn’t look like a model. The big solution to this problem is easy. We should stop talking about diets, talking about losing weight and we must be start talking about that for being beautiful is important being healthy and fit. I blame all of the beauty industry from fashion companies making ever smaller sizes to magazines and commercial spots always changing all with Photoshop and never showing us reality. Is time of wake up and see reality by ourselves. Beautiful is not in being thin. Is in ourselves, because being thin doesn't make you happier and even more beautiful. If you don't start loving yourself and working in your confidence all won't worth nothing. So why don't stop to want look like a Barbie doll instead of work in ourselves, in being healthy, happy and confidence.

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